Monday 29 June 2015

An insight into PHPStorm

PHP development
PHPStorm- An intelligent IDE for PHP web developers: PHPStorm is like a blessing for PHP developer. It is an outstanding IDE or editor for PHP web developers. It is developed by Jetbrains and has a received a tremendous popularity from the IT industry in a very less span of time due to its magical features. It not only supports PHP codes but also other web scripts like javascript, JQuery, HTML and CSS etc. It helps in reducing the effort and time of a web developer to a large extent with its intelligent properties. When we say it’s intelligent, that means it is smarter than other IDEs like komodo or notepad plus etc.

Why IDE? IDE stands for integrated development environment. This is like an editor that capable to be integrated with a framework for better productivity. It provides numerous types of assistance to a PHP developer during the development process which helps in avoiding silly mistakes and hence bugs in the application. On the other hand it also reduces the effort of the tester to a large extent due to minor bug free application. Hence it is like a integral part of the development process for any web application development project.

Code assist: The basic nature of PHPStorm is to provide code assistance to the programmer during programming. It helps in different programming supports like code auto complete, code suggestion and highlighting different components of the web application. It also helps in maintaining proper indentation in the programme that can help the application to be well readable and maintainable for future. Moreover it can also suggest for different method name, variable name or even library name during the development process which definitely helps the developer in avoiding common spelling mistakes in the application. Different web components like HTML tags, CSS tags etc are highlighted on PHPStorm platform that helps the developer in avoiding unnecessary silly mistakes.

PHPDoc support: PHPDoc is well supported by PHPStorm. As a result it helps in developing enterprise standard web applications with global rules adopted by the developer. It gives the application a new standard that will definitely help the application to be debugged in future. Well we can make few customisations in this option for our requirements and needs.

Debugging can be hassle free: With PHPStorm IDE a PHP developer can debug the application in a more professional and efficient manner. He can take the help of other debugging tools like xdebug for quality debugging in less time and with more accuracy. In other words we can say the debugging process can be easier through PHPStorm.

Productivity increases: PHPStorm helps PHP web developers in writing industry standard professional codes on the platform. Moreover these codes are not only well readable but also highly maintainable and flexible in nature. Hence it reduces the overall maintenance cost of the application in a long run scenario. Due to its intelligent features as discussed above it reduces not only the time and effort of the developer and tester but also the overall cost of production of the project making it quite productive than before.

Mindfire Solutions provides expert PHP development services from India, gaining its expertise from years of experience in PHP web development and PHP application development. We also have dedicated teams of various important PHP Frameworks like Zend Developers Team, Kohana Developers Team and CodeIgniter developers Team. If you want to Outsource PHP Development or hire PHP Developers, you are at the right place. Please write to us at sales at MindfireSolutions dot com and we will be sending a free quotation in one business day.

Thursday 25 June 2015

Essential modules in Joomla development

custom Joomla Development
Joomla is a PHP based CMS i.e., content management system. It is one of the best open source content management systems of the industry. It helps in developing quick web applications which are basically content driven. That means we can create a news portal, blugs etc using Joomla. Today we will discuss about some of its important modules and some third party plugins or modules to help the Joomla developers creating interactive web applications. Let us start with some inbuilt modules of Joomla.

Breadcrumbs: As the name suggests breadcrumb is a module in the Joomla CMS which can be used to make the user understand the current location in the web application. While browsing a website, sometimes the user enters into a new environment which may give him an embracing feeling. To prevent the same Joomla PHP developers can integrate the breadcrumb module which will display the status of current web page.

Archived articles: While dealing with a content driven website, the web developer must ensure that all the posts or articles are placed in a systematic manner. We can keep a set of articles or blogs according to their date of publish using a month wise archived directory. We can place this module in the right panel of the website so that the user can browse different articles which are published previously.

Articles- newsflash: This is an extremely important module of Joomla CMS. This module helps in providing a list of latest articles to the user within a specific location. This is extremely helpful if the web developer can give special visual effects to the module like blinking of titles or colour change so that it can be highlighted to the user.

Articles category: PHP developers must use this module in order to differentiate between different types of articles. Assume a website containing a block of articles on sports, entertainment, politics etc. So the user must be given the control to choose his category from the website. In that case articles category module helps in lots of way to provide inter-related articles to the end user. This will improve the user experience as a whole.

Login: This is one of the most vital modules of Joomla CMS while building a content driven web application. The administrator usually tries to e-campaign his website using various methods like e-mail sending, SMS sending and through social networks etc. To achieve the same the PHP developer must build an application which can take the visitors e-mail ID through sign up process. Later on the web administrator can send him up-date mails from his website to attract him to come back to his website. Moreover, it also helps the user to feel like a privileged user.

Menu: Menu is an integral part of any web application. Its importance can never be ignored by any web developer. Menu helps the user to roam around the web application in a hassle free manner. It improves the user experience of the web application.

Most read content: This is one of the vital modules for any content driven website. Because this highlights some of the most visited web pages of the website. This helps the user to stick with the quality content of the web application.

Besides above mentioned modules, there are many in-built and third party plugins and modules which can be used in developing industry standard content driven web applications.

At Mindfire Solutions, we have an expert Joomla Developers team, who have been serving our esteemed clients since over 5 years now. If you have a custom Joomla Development need or need assistance with your PHP Application Development, please feel free to write to us at Sales at Mindfire Solutions dot com and we will revert back with a free quote within one business day.

Monday 22 June 2015

Top Reasons - Why small business owners use PHP to develop applications?

PHP development services
PHP a true web language in the web era: In 21st century if anything has seen a tremendous growth that is none other than internet and hence the web development. So if we say this is the web era of 21st century then it will not be a wrong statement. Internet is everywhere with mobile networks like 2G, 3G and 4G, wifi and through broadband connections as well. Before a decade it was limited to wired internet services. But now it is wireless and hence it can be reach to any remote place without much effort. People in remote places are also browsing internet web applications using wireless mobile networks. At the same time, we have seen a tremendous market growth of smart phones and mobile devices due to their extensive use in the internet connectivity. All these favourable situations create a heavy demand for web developers and web languages in the industry. PHP is one such web language which is totally dedicated for web development process only; It has nothing to do with desktop applications or hardware applications and it can do everything in web applications and modern smart phone web apps.

PHP is Open Source and hence having a low cost of ownership: For any start-up software firm, the initial investment matters a lot. They want better product at an affordable cost to sustain in the market. For them, PHP works like a boon due to its open source in nature. Any start-up can afford PHP to develop its initial web applications within his budget. Moreover, there are many open source and free frameworks are available for PHP which helps the web developers in developing enterprise standard web solutions in less effort. This really improves the productivity of the organisation as a whole.

We can hire low wage PHP developers: Due to its simple in nature fresher and beginners are more interested to learn PHP in order to kick start their career in web development in the industry. As a result, software farms get an opportunity to hire efficient PHP developers as fresher for their next web application. Well, it is not to mention that any start-up can hire PHP developers at comparatively low wages. So this is a win-win situation for both the PHP developer and the software farm.

PHP has a huge size of new modules in web: Due to open source, we can find millions of PHP modules in web and fortunately almost all are free to use. So a web developer can customize those modules as per his requirement and can integrate it to his application project. This makes a lot of mean when we think about faster web development with efficiency and accuracy without much effort.

All modern amenities under PHP: Web development process is not complete until and unless we think about web apps for modern devices like smart phones and tablets. Fortunately PHP has all necessary features to develop enterprise standard responsive web applications using modern technology like JQuery, HTML5 and CSS3. Moreover, web developers can develop different interactive and attractive mobile apps and web apps using PHP for the modern era web browsing.

After all, Support matters a lot: PHP has one of the largest developer communities in the IT industry. So we can expect an immediate, quick and effective solution to our issue while dealing with complex situations in web development process. We can get the help of both online and offline support community to develop flawless modern web applications for our client.

Mindfire Solutions provides expert PHP development services from India, gaining its expertise from years of experience in PHP web development and PHP application development.If you want to Outsource PHP Development or hire PHP Developers, you are at the right place. Please write to us at sales at Mindfire Solutions dot com and we will be sending a free quotation in one business day.